Production of Snacks from Composite Flour of Breadfruit and Cassava Tuber as an Alternative to Wheat Flour for Elderly Women in Orashi Region of Niger Delta
Production, Snacks, Composite flour, Breadfruit, Cassava TuberAbstract
The study determined the production and organoleptic evaluation of snacks from composite flour of bread fruit and cassava tuber as an alternative to wheat flour for elderly women in Orashi region of Niger delta. Specifically, the study sought to: Prepare flour from bread fruit and cassava tuber to form a composite flour, determine the physical and chemical composition of composite flour produced from bread fruit and cassava tuber, Produce snacks from composite flour of bread fruit and cassava tuber, Carry out comparative studies of snacks made from composite flour of bread fruit and cassava tuber in terms of the physical and proximate composition and compare with the control sample and Carry out sensory evaluation of flour snacks produced from composite flour of breadfruits and cassava. Four objectives, research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study was carried out in Orashi region of Niger delta. The study adopted the research and development. The population for the study was 300 elderly women from Orashi region of Niger delta. The region was divided into urban and rural area (100 urban elderly women and 200 rural elderly women). The instrument that was used for the evaluation was the 9-point hedonic scale to conduct the sensory evaluation. The criteria were in terms of colour, flavour, texture, tastes, and general acceptability. Also, a 5-point likert scale questionnaire (Strongly Agree, SA; Agree, A; undecided, U, Disagree, D and Strongly Disagree, SD) with scores respectively. The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three experts. A reliability coefficient of 0.76 was established with the aid of SPSS software. The finding of the study revealed Production of snacks for the elderly in Orashi region must be thoroughly selected, The protein values for the CF10KG, CF15KG are within the RDA for the elderly, that snacks produced from composite flour of bread fruit and cassava tuber are suitable for elderly women Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: Snacks from composite flour of bread fruit and cassava tuber should be given to elderly women in Orashi region of Niger delta; State government should found factories for production of bread fruit wheat flour; The sodium level should be minimized to reduce the risk of exposing the elderly persons to problems such as diabetes and other related health conditions; Families should be encouraged to produce bread fruit and cassava tuber snacks on their own since the raw materials are readily available; The public should be sensitized on the health benefits of bread fruit, cassava tuber and wheat flour and suggestion for further studies were also made. As Organoleptic evaluation of potato snacks as alternative step-up food in Niger delta and Assessment of hygienic level of road side food handler in River’s state.
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