Utilization of Preservative Methods in Curbing Food Insecurity in ONELGA Rivers State


  • G.C. Ijomah Department of Home Economics, Hospitality and Tourism, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumini, Port Harcourt Author
  • Linda Obile Department of Home Economics, Hospitality and Tourism, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumini, Port Harcourt Author


The study investigated in to the utilization of preservative methods in curbing food insecurity in Onelga Rivers State. Three research questions and hypotheses guided the study. This study adopted a survey research design. The study was carried out in Rivers State. The population for the study was 220 respondents. There was no sampling since the entire population was of manageable size. A structured questionnaire instrument was used to collect data for this study titled ‘Utilization of preservative methods in curbing food insecurity Questionnaire (UPMCFIQ)’. The instrument is structured on four-point response options of Very High Extent (VHE), High Extent (HE), Low Extent (LE) and Very Low Extent (VLE) with values of 4, 3, 2, and 1 respectively for each one. The instrument was face-validated by three experts from the Department of Home economics and Hospitality Management, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt. To establish the reliability of the instrument, test re-test method was adopted, 30 copies of the questionnaires were administered on food processing company in Bayelsa State. Pearson product moment correlation formula was used to determine the reliability of the instrument using SPSS. This gave a reliability coefficient of 0.78. The finding of the study revealed that to a high extent is the utilization of Smoking in curbing food insecurity in Rivers State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that: Farmers should take advantage of new and safe food technologies like cloning, biotech and nanotech. Government should increase awareness and uniform message to enhance sustainable agricultural food products.







How to Cite

Utilization of Preservative Methods in Curbing Food Insecurity in ONELGA Rivers State. (2024). International Journal of Social Science and Management Studies, 3(4), 111-119. http://rajournals.net/index.php/ijssms/article/view/328