Role of Non-Timber Forest Products on the Economic Development of Rural Dwellers in Ahoada-East Local Government Area of Rivers State
Non-timber, Forest, Economic Development, Rural DwellersAbstract
The study examined the role of non-timber forest products on the economic development of rural dwellers in Ahoada-East Local Government Area of Rivers State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers state, Nigeria. The population of the study was all rural dwellers in Ahoada East Local Government Areas in Rivers State. The sample size of the study was 400 respondents consisting 138 Male and 262 Female rural dwellers. The instrument for collection of data was a self-structured questionnaire which was captioned “Role of Non-Timber Forest Products on the Economic Development of Rural dwellers”. The validity of the instrument was established by the researchers’ supervisor and two other experts in agricultural education in Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt. The research instrument was subjected to a reliability test using Cronbach’s Alpha. The reliability coefficient obtained were co-efficient of 0.77, and 0.86. Thus, it was accepted that the instrument was reliable and considered appropriate for use. A total of 400(100 percent) copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondent whereas 368 (92 percent) copies were retrieved. The retrieved copies consisted of 122male rural dwellers and 246female rural dwellers. Percentage, Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions posed in the study. A criterion means score of 2.50 stood as the bench mark for decision rule. This means any items with mean responses of 2.50 and above were “Agreed” or “Highly Utilized” otherwise “Disagree” or “Not Utilized” as the case may be. z-test analysis was used to test the three null hypotheses formulated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. The null hypotheses were accepted, when z-calculated is less than the z-critical, otherwise reject. The study found that non timber forest Products are essential commodity for alleviating poverty among rural dwellers. Non timber forest products such as Bark of Trees, Roots, Bamboo, Chewsticks, Flowers, Nuts/Seeds, Honey, Gum and Resins, Sap, Fungi, Spices and condiments, Fibres, Fruits and Vegetables, medicinal Plants, amongst others plays pivotal role in economic development of rural dwellers. It was recommended that government should introduce educational policy for rural dwellers in other to increase the rate of male and female literate in rural areas in Rivers State
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